Looking to add fall vocabulary words to your Spanish class lesson plans?
Fall is here and teachers are looking for creative ways to review previously learned vocabulary while adding something new. Check out these fall activities for Spanish class to keep students engaged and learning until Thanksgiving break!
Fall Activities for Spanish Class
Vocabulary Word Wall
Post a Fall Word Wall on your bulletin board to give students a visual resource to support them as they read and write in Spanish! Instant comprehensible input! Use word walls to build vocabulary and spark curiosity. Students are instantly drawn to the images and new words.
Fall Vocabulary Bingo Game
Fall Bingo is a fun bilingual listening comprehension activity! This is not your average bingo game ~ read clues to describe fall vocabulary words in short Spanish or English sentences, not a word-for-word translation. Students listen to the clue and search for the image being described.
Sample clues:
"una estación del año, comienza en septiembre y termina en diciembre" (el otoño)
"a season of the year, it begins in September and ends in December" (fall / autumn)
"un animal que vuela, tiene ojos redondos y grandes, come animales pequeños, vive en el bosque" (el búho)
"an animal that flies, it has big, round eyes, it eats small animals, it lives in the forest"
Vocabulary includes: el árbol, la ardilla, la bellota, el búho, la calabaza, el fútbol americano, la hoja, el maíz, el murciélago, el otoño and MORE!
More bingo games!
Fall Word Search
There are many benefits to using word searches in class. They are a low-stress way to introduce or review vocabulary. They develop word recognition and improve spelling. And they're FUN! Students love them. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt.! This fall word search raises the thinking level by having students first define the word, and then find it.
Use Spanish word searches as a warm-up, for fast finishers, homework, in stations, an after-the-test activity, or easy Spanish sub plans.
Fall Crossword Puzzle
It's always good to offer a variety of activities for teaching the same content. Crossword puzzles are another low-stress way to exercise your brain and improve your vocabulary and memory. This fall crossword worksheet has twenty-five autumn vocabulary words!
Find all 4 of these activities in a fall bundle! Save up to 30%!
Give students the input they need to talk about fall! Hope you've found fun activities that you and your students LOVE! Happy teaching.
Click here for more seasonal resources for Spanish class!